Sunday 9 August 2009

Yes - Another one jumps on the blogging bandwagon...

Well Hello!

Here I am jumping on the 'bandwagon' as they say, but I've been so inspired by reading such fantastic blogs that my Mummy friends have been creating, that I thought I'd join the world of blogging too!

So welcome to the 'Tales of the Working Mother' - That's ME! :o)

Hmm...where do I start?... Well maybe I should tell you a little bit about me first?

OK so I'm a young Mum to our gorgeous little man! Well, I say 'young mum' I'm 22 almost 23, but I certainly do not feel very young, but hey that is what I am classed as in today's society! My dearest other half proposed about 9 months ago, and I recently re entered the working world after 50 weeks maternity leave - So, in short, I'm an engaged, young, working mother...Yes! that sums me up quite nice.

Our little man is almost 10 months old, and wow, you would not believe how much one little boy can change so many peoples lives - Especially mine!

Becoming a parent is the most amazing thing to have ever happened to me, I feel like I have finally found my 'purpose' in life, but believe me, it can also be very challenging too!

I'm one of those you call the 'lucky ones' the little man has been a very easy baby! He has 3 regular naps a day in his cot, sleeps through the night 12hours or more, eats fantastically and seems to be quick at reaching his milestones, you know, crawling, cruising etc....Having said that, there is one milestone he just doesn't want to reach! He just doesn't seem to want to say the words we are desperately waiting to hear..'mama' and 'dada' instead we get a 'rarara' or the general baby babbles....Humph!

Maybe I should thank myself lucky, as most parents spend months teaching their children to walk and talk, but then spend the next 18 years telling the to shush and sit down..

I wonder if i will become one of those parents?.......