Monday, 24 August 2009

I'm so excited... Wooohooo.... and I just can't hide it....

Yay!!!! My dress arrived today!!!!! Wooooooooooooohooooooooooo!!!!!! Its gorgeous! Pink satin, with a black tie around the waist and I got some new sparkly shoes too!

What for you wonder?

Well in a few weeks time, myself and 6 of my good friends are heading into town for a good ol' boogie and a cracking girlie night out. We're going to celebrate one of 'the girls' birthday and I can't bloody wait!!!

It's been soooooo long since I've been into town for a proper night out! It's,....well....too long!!! Seriously, well if you think the little man is now 10 months and my last night in town was well before I found out I was pregnant! You do the maths....

Don't get me wrong - I've not been house bound for the last 19 months ha ha, me and the girls have met up for tea and a good gossip a number of times, and us who have children often meet up for a play date which is all good fun, but I need to dance the night away :o)

I can't wait for the excitement of getting ready (oh I do love that bit) getting the music on whilst getting all done up and starting the night of with a few cheeky glasses of rose....Yum Yum!

I'm just hoping my body will be kind to me and not give me a hangover the next day.... Pretty Please!

I don't think the little man will be very sympathetic towards Mummy's hangover do you?.....