Wednesday, 19 August 2009

I could get used to this.....

So today I was due to work til 8pm again, but after how hard I found doing the 8am-8pm last week I decided to do a 12noon til 8pm rather than working extra hours to claim back.

Yay!!! A full morning with the little man, plus a little lye in, WOOOHOOOO!!!!!

Ha, a lye in who am I kidding?....

Well, you would be forgiven for sat there thinking I didn't get my much needed lye in because my gorgeous little man woke me up early! But No! - It wasn't the little man who woke me up, it was my other half! (Thanks Love!)

8.15am - OK, so yes I know this is a little lye in, I do usually get up at 5am so I did get an extra 3 hours sleep :o)

Anyway 8.15am my phones goes, and in my sleepy state I actually think it was my alarm as I use my phone for my alarm, I then realise its someone ringing. It was a withheld number which usually means work! Damn!
I bet I need to go in earlier than planned, so I clear my throat and say hello politely just in case it is work but its not, the person replying is the other half!..
He was surprised to hear I was still in bed, but you see, we are very very lucky parents and even though the little man goes bed in between 6.30 - 7.00pm every night, he happily sleeps until 6am the next morning, when he will wake for a bottle and then if offered he will then go back to sleep until 9am (sometimes 10am!) which I'm sure you will agree is fantastic for a 10 month old.
Usually though on a work day I will wake him at 6am and keep him up so I can see him before work, but weekends we let him go back to sleep, which was my plan for today...

Anyway as I was speaking on the phone to the other half, the little man must have been disturbed and woke, so up I get to start my day...

I had a lovely chilled out morning with the little man, it was like being on maternity leave again, but instead of slowly getting ready to go to a baby group I had to get ready for work.

It did beat the rush of a normal week day though......

Ahhhh I could get used to these late starts.....